Friday, November 21, 2014

“A faith in simple dreams, an insistence on small miracles; that we can tuck in our children at night and know that they are fed and clothed and safe from harm; that we can say what we think, write what we think, without hearing a sudden knock on the door; that we can have an idea and start our own business without paying a bribe; that we can participate in the political process without fear of retribution; and that our votes will be counted -- or at least, most of the time.”

What Barack Obama mean by this passage is that we live in a nation that keeps us protected and where leaders think about our rights as citizens. A nation where we have our freedom and are supported from our government. A placed where anyone can write what they think and say what they are thinking with out any problems no matter who you are.

I picked Barack Obama because I was one of the people that voted for him to become president. I also picked this passage because I find it interesting how he see’s the faith in the American Dream. He talks about tucking our children in bed at night knowing that they are fed and well protected but when I think about it, I wonder who are these people. Looking into the societies around me, I see families that live in apartments with no space because they cannot afford a bigger apartment due to the rent being so high. I see workers getting paid minimum wages in a city where everything is expensive. Every thing from gas to groceries, to clothing prices are going up every month except the paid. I see children going missing everyday because they live in a country where they rather spend more money on unnecessary new stadiums, than paying the people that supposed to keep us protected they money they deserve. He also mentions that our votes are counted but then he states “most of the time” I believe our votes do not count or matter because who ever they want to be in office would get there either by hook or by crook.  For example, the Bush era.

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